Working on New "wo" man this is frustrating and a continual battle-- for what Stevens said "..would suffice."
So why do it?--drive oneself nuts-- have others feel you are a fool!-- it I think is where the grist is -- I think people have the wrong idea that art is easy --or more that what doesn't work throw out-- and there is that seduction-- when so little does seem to suffice.
There has just been this impossible challenge my whole life --and then the Greenbergian dictum that abstraction was universal and closer to the meaning of the medium, painting..
Oh and I guess you were wondering how does this fit in-- well remember the Picasso?
Listen this is the challenge and really I am pretty sure I can work this out-- but still it is a mystery I am on the edge.
The key is when something is this personal one misses the point of art. One must follow the form.
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