Thursday, March 26, 2020

Resuming Studio Blog, Spring, 2020, Canaan, Virus Pandemic, Drawing

I have been sporadic at these postings. Facebook is maybe more useful. Instagram a record of my progress.

But both are misleading. I thought it might help to organize my thoughts to a deeper level.

Spring is the time my winter thoughts, which can be all over the place, maybe somewhat unconscious come more together.

My thoughts, ideas, become the new drawings. I should have been recording them here as there are many unrecorded.

So I'll try for a synopsis. The last couple of years I have drawn in Brooklyn through the Winter.

I guess this will take a few posts to get back to date.

It is still cold here now upstate and so have set up a drawing studio here, as I am sequestered for the time being.

My thoughts though are beginning to take the shape of a new figure. They are seen in the winter drawings.

And a second idea, the continuing of an older idea of the leaves-- a project for the Barn perhaps as it gets warmer.