Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Figures, Bathers

All of a sudden Ive run into Matisse-- I was actually after the "Demoiselles" of Picasso, trying to connect to the Picasso drawing I blew up recently.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The parts to a whole

The struggle to bring it all, the parts, now so seeming far flung,  together to a new still unrealized whole.

July 12, 2012, New Figure

Working on New "wo" man this is frustrating and a continual battle-- for what Stevens said "..would suffice."

So why do it?--drive oneself nuts-- have others feel you are a fool!-- it I think is where the grist is -- I think people have the wrong idea that art is easy --or more that what doesn't work throw out-- and there is that seduction-- when so little does seem to suffice.

There has just been this impossible challenge my whole life --and then the Greenbergian dictum that abstraction was universal and closer to the meaning of the medium, painting..

Oh and I guess you were wondering how does this fit in-- well remember the Picasso?
Listen this is the challenge and really I am pretty sure I can work this out-- but still it is a mystery I am on the edge.

The key is when something is this personal one misses the point of art. One must follow the form.

SB Night Studio, Next Step July 11

These paintings follow an earlier form but are what the newer paintings are made from, it is all part of a system I see as a meaningful, " whole."

SB Night Studio, July 8 Studio Drawings

Where I'm headed.

SB Night Studio, July 7 Studio