Wednesday, January 31, 2018

2017 finishing up in December, High Water, and Southern Route up into Colorado

Here are the ends of my years painting. December 2017. I always or recently see things in the paintings lent up against each other as they dry, or are just moved around.

2017 further painting of, Hurricane Waves

In September there were numerous hurricanes I  went out and painted in Long Island.

I added these to the group.

2017 Summer Outcome

Often a surprise direction will come from experience out painting in the landscape.

It is something I look for.

A figure from a few years ago which I started in Aspen.

Then some enlargements of landscape-- which relate to the Southern Route paintings and then up into Colorado, making a whole of it all.

2017 August Studio New Mexico

The Progress in August, in New Mexico .

2017 Painting Upstate NY, summer

I started the High Water paintings upstate, then made a similar group in New Mexico to see how each would progress.

The Blue figures seemed where they were headed formally, well, and in content. But either idea was vague and the coming together of ideas into something is what I was looking for.

A drawing sparked a new idea of cutting these from plywood and I painted them into a still-life I was making. The idea was growing in directions I was not sure of at this moment.

2017 New Mexico Studio, summer

New Mexico Studio, summer 2017.

Working from drawings and things I figure out in NY studio drawing through the winter.

2017 Painting from 1983, NM studio

I was fixing a damaged painting for a collector and the reality of that time rather flooded back to my painting mind.

The space has been coming back in different ways.

The space was something I had been missing not as a whole but as a glimpse or part, or literally where I was coming from.

2017 drawing in NYC studio

These follow many drawing of similar size in 2016.

They were going into the paintings of 2017.

They were being called

Blue Figure, Western Lagoon figures, or ideas.

All in my mind-- painting itself.