Sunday, December 22, 2013

Leaving New Mexico Studio for NY

The Southern Route paintings which had been landscape oriented have found their concern in figure.

It seems the imaginative space of the Southern direction Stevens talked of in his Florida poems is also influencing me here.

It is a similar space as Santa Barbara was to me-- far away and warm.

This is it for now. NY usually weaves another layer into it all.

Monday, December 9, 2013

More December Studio

December Studio an accidental name for a group of paintings.

Painted in New Mexico in the snow and cold a B/W nude of idealism and imagination--

Actually developed from idea of Southern Route paintings which were thinking of Wallace Stevens idea of the Imaginative Southern direction.

The Ideal, figure, nude, the actual buried quest object. I've thought might just be the "other" standing in for another self.

Doesn't look anything like I ever thought it would but then that is the journey-- to find.

The flatness of these figures allow for the other shading of contents towards more symbolic allusions.

They came buried in the reeds of Western Lagoon space, another direction and space of Imagination, and actually their Cerulean color comes from that distance, and space.

There is a aspect of them that is the Les Demoiselle of Picasso, where these figures represent most, a new time, and space, in our world.

I see these that way for my vision.

The Myth of America, that continued search for some Ideal to lead us forward through the wreckage of this constant ongoing, historical past.

Thursday, December 5, 2013