Saturday, November 9, 2013

Some Individual Paintings, The Southern Route, 2013

Need Titles-- to be continued.

Finishing now in Oil Paint

Needed a bit more Gesso so had to re draw it.

Here they are finished.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More Studio with B/W drawing ideas.

We will see where it all goes.

Now to integrate back into the Paintings

Subway drawing from notes.

A figure, of the world.

The world from space, Earth.

part of the Southern Route, led by birds. Returning home to still life.

Joining the rest.

Villa Wall, are those CO Mountains--? Had wanted to construct piece of ruined wall in a field.

As concrete poetry.

The Genius of the Sea, that I have been wanting to add.

These seem to be a future, Home with Candide, or Crispin.

Revolving, Eternal Return.

Been wanting to establish a larger format drawing

from my notes, or Subway drawings.