Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Slow Start blogging again 2023- Studio

 The Studio life is the reality I find between my drawing and painting. 

These last three years I draw meaning paint on paper almost daily. 

I work on 21 x 21 " Arches with Flash paint. I draw with blue paint pretty much from my head, and then paint with color.

I then take the drawings to the Studio. I've been Studio painting upstate since the pandemic. 

To complicate things which i enjoy, I also work in a New Mexico studio. 

I draw most of the winter in a studio in the house, upstate. Its where I figure things out.

I enjoy the interactions between these different places. 

I also paint in seasonal weather in the large barn we have upstate. I enjoy the changes.

I also started again, my plain air painting upstate. These are what I paint then usually from memory in my drawings.

The seasonal change has always attracted me. 

I keep a set of painting gear, and I just rush out when amazed by the change--again! 

I was going to miss the Day Lilies as I was out west but arrived just in time for the last of them--so amazed by the difference from the dry hot west--I launched into a new bunch of plain air. 

Been wanting to add another level to the things I've done with them thus far. 

The Forsythia from the spring crept into NM paintings as a different space or flavor to the figure. 

The Day Lilies could appear in a similar way--?

I have a group of new figure paintings in New Mexico, from 2022. They are somewhat different from back east but then not so different. They keep evolving. More the point maybe than what they are doing as a subject. I like literally drawing them formally together-- getting the brush strokes to relate abstractly. I has helped me draw figuratively and also to see the abstract possibility. 

There is a touch of the Forsythia, from the Spring still lives, adding some relation to the figure-- maybe just space. The figure is pretty harsh and the flower maybe softens it. That softness is also distance in space. And the harshness the figure right up against the surface.

These drawings are about that.

Then lead into the paintings of 2023.

These paintings are all Untitled #1-6, oil on canvas, 2023

This all June and July 2023.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Resuming Studio Blog, Spring, 2020, Canaan, Virus Pandemic, Drawing

I have been sporadic at these postings. 

Blogger has become outdated as Facebook became the communication device of choice. Then, Instagram. Though each of these steps has dumbed down the communication. Saying less and less.

I felt I wanted to go back to saying a bit more.

But both are misleading. I thought it might help to organize my thoughts to a deeper level again.

Spring is the time my winter thoughts, which can be all over the place, maybe somewhat unconscious come more together.

My thoughts, ideas, become the new drawings. I should have been recording them here as there are many unrecorded.

So I'll try for a synopsis. The last couple of years I have drawn in a studio in Brooklyn through the Winter.

I guess this will take a few posts to get back to date.

It is still cold here now upstate and so have set up a drawing studio inside here, as I am sequestered for the time being.

My thoughts are beginning to take the shape of a new figure. They are seen in the winter drawings.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Spring Paintings, Canaan

Finished these in oil in last weeks of May 2019.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

2017 finishing up in December, High Water, and Southern Route up into Colorado

Here are the ends of my years painting. December 2017. I always or recently see things in the paintings lent up against each other as they dry, or are just moved around.